Thursday, July 28, 2011

Traveling Friends Part 6

Looking back at these latest pictures of little cuties traveling around, all I could think was how lucky my friends and I  have been this year -being able to travel and experience different places in the world or just staying put but seeing things through different eyes.

Anyway to continue with the adventures...  Now JPG (or Gaston as I still think of him) and Auzzie have travelled down to Newport Beach in Southern California to attend a wedding and the first place they went to was the long, pristine, white beach.

 Look at that blue sky, not a cloud in the sky and the beach...

 Got Seaweed??  It's supposed to be very healthy for you.  Chefs are starting to use different types of seaweed in recipes.

What's up next.  Probably my 2nd NYC trip last week which was incredibly hot but great fun.

Stay tuned.

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